The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a consultative body that, under the leadership of the pastor, engages parishioners in prayerful reflection about the parish’s mission and ministry . The main objectives of the PPC are supporting existing ministry and understanding the needs, hopes and ideas of the parish and faith community.
“Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds.” —Proverbs 27:23
Fr. Dan Folwaczny, Pastor
Glen Villano, Chairperson and Interim Liaison to PFC
Gerald Wonak, Spirital Life Commission Chairperson
Peter Meister, Parish Life Commission Chairperson
Linda Szymanski, Human Concerns Commission Chairperson
Paul VanLysebettens, Education Commission Chairperson
Ron Mattey, Education Commission Liaison
Rich Morgan, Member at Large
Tim Dompke, Member at Large
Mary Ellen Ottenstein, Staff: Parish Office Manager (non-voting)
Spiritual Life Commission; Gerald Wonak, Chairperson
Coordinators of Lay Ministry
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion; Kerry Glennon, Scheduler
Lectors; George Milton, Trainer
Altar Servers
Adult Choir; Paul VanLysebettens, Director
Art & Environment Ministry; Debra Duda, Coordinator
Eucharistic Adoration; Raymond Prost, Coordinator
Tuesday Morning Group; George & Annette Milton, Coordinators
Rosary Group; Nancy Furlong, Coordinator
Wednesday Morning Bible Study; Jackie Brey, Coordinator
Wednesday Evening Bible Study; Kathy Christian, Coordinator
Prayer Shawl Ministry; Theresa Storto, Coordinator
Teaching Parish Program
Wedding Coordinator; Margaret Przybylski, Coordinator
Baptismal Preparation; Fr. Brian Kean, Pastor/Coordinator
Human Concerns Commission; Linda Szymanski, Chairperson
Care Ministry; Linda Szymanski, Coordinator
Culture of Life Ministry; Kathy Christian & Cynthia Mazzone, Coordinators
Good Samaritan Ministry; Susan Brady, Coordinator
Parish Life Commission; Peter Meister, Chairperson
Welcoming Ministry
Women’s Club (CCW); Rosemary Majerczyk, President
Education Commission; Paul VanLysebettens, Chairperson
The School of Religion; Meghan Donahue, Director of Religious Education (DRE)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW); Meghan Donahue, DRE/Coordinator
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA); Meghan Donahue, DRE/Coordinator
AfterMass Youth Ministry; Paul VanLysebettens, Coordinator
To be announced shortly. Stay tuned!
Questions? Fr. Dan and the PPC welcome feedback and make themselves available to address questions and concerns. Please reach out to Fr. Dan, or contact the Parish Office (847) 979-0901 or