Meet with Fr. Dan

Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE)

Sunday: 8am/10:30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Women’s Club

The Women’s Club (CCW) connects the women of our parish through faith and a shared spirit of volunteerism.

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears her down.” —Proverbs 14:1

Mission Statement

The Women’s Club (CCW) acts through its members to support, empower, and educate women in our OLBS family and in the community in spirituality, leadership, and service.


To facilitate a sense of belonging that connects all women of the parish to our Catholic identity through a shared faith, spirit of service and social interaction.

Time & Talent

All women in the parish are welcome to participate in events and activities. If you are interested in shaping the future of our Ministry, please inquire at the Parish Office about joining our Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee with Fr. Brian

Events & Activities

  • Wine & Paint Nights

  • Bunco Nights

  • Christmas Elves (making, filling and delivering Christmas stockings and gifts for underprivileged children)

  • Christmas Angels (coordinating the procurement and delivery of Christmas gifts for underprivileged families in our community)

  • Bake Sales & Other Fundraisers

  • Craft Fairs

  • Tea Time

  • Assist the Pastor and other Ministries with events such as our Annual Parish Picnic or Lenten Mission

Are you called? Get involved with the Women’s Club. Call the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or <