Meet with Fr. Dan

Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE)

Sunday: 8am/10:30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)


The Care Ministry brings care, compassion and the Eucharist to the sick, homebound and hospitalized.

“Parishioners ministering to fellow parishioners in extraordinary circumstances.”


For those unable to get to church, the OLBS Care Ministry seeks to provide opportunity to experience in a parishioner’s own setting the mystery of Christ in a threefold way: prayer, presence and Holy Communion.


To bring comfort, share God’s Word and the Holy Eucharist, Ministers of Care make faith visits to the sick, homebound and elderly in our St. Julian community.

It is important to stay in touch with these parishioners and tend to their spiritual and sacramental needs.

time & talent

Compassionate men and women who are:

  • Regular participants in Eucharistic liturgy.

  • Loving, caring and willing to spend time with the sick and suffering.

  • Open to sharing prayer and faith with the sick and homebound.

  • Good listeners.

Fall 2021 In-Person Training

Reservations:  You MUST contact the Ministry of Care Coordinator at your parish prior to registering for this workshop at  Questions?  Dcn. Joe Yannotta at JYANNOTTA@STEDNA.ORG or DYANNOTTA@COMCAST.NET                  

When:           Sat. Sept 18th and Sept 25th, 2021 Attendance on both Saturdays is required

Location:      St. Edna Church 2525 N. Arlington Heights Rd, Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Gathering:               8:30 A.M. Each Saturday. Personnel will be there to direct you to the sessions.

Please bring your own brown bag lunch each Saturday, coffee and water will be provided. Please bring this notice as your agenda. Also bring a note pad and pen to take any personal notes you wish to make.

Program Agenda

Saturday, Sept 18th              9:00 to 10:45              Spirituality of the Ministry – Marlene Sweeney


                                                11:00 to 12:15             The Experience of Suffering – Andrea Hug


                                                1:00 to 2:30                Ministerial Procedures – Diane Yannotta

                                                2:45 to 3:00                Wrap-up, Closing prayer

Saturday, Sept 25th             9:00 to 10:30              Pastoral Communication Skills – Amy Florian


                                                10:45 to 12:15             Prayer in Care Ministry – Sr. Mary Barbara Hassler


                                                1:00 to 2:30                Theology of the Eucharist – Fr. Jeremy Thomas

                                                2:45 to 3:15                Closing Ceremony and Certificates


Prayer & Worship

  • Undertake requisite initial training to enhance the gifts you already have and prepare you to minister to those in need in a very special way.

  • Ministers of Care are provided ongoing support as they help bring the Eucharistic Lord to parishioners in their homes, nursing homes and hospital rooms.

  • Commit to meetings for prayer, reflection and enriching the ministry.

  • Help yourself by helping others.


  • Bring the Holy Eucharist to our parish shut-ins, the homebound and those recovering from hospital stays.

  • Assist and/or conduct Wednesday Communion Service at Manor Care and distribute the Eucharist to resident rooms in the event they are unable to attend the service.

  • Assist and/or conduct Communion Service at Alexian Village or Manor Care.

  • Visit hospitalized parishioners to offer prayer, comfort and parish support.

  • Become a volunteer and Eucharistic Minister at AMITA Medical Center.

  • Work in teams or individually.

Are you called? Join our Care Ministry. Call the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or