Meet with Fr. Dan

Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE)

Sunday: 8am/10:30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)


Liturgical Ministries. Help us set the table.

“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” – Matthew 26:28

The Liturgical Ministries comprise various ministries that assist the clergy and parish community in celebration of daily, Sunday and Holy Day liturgies and provide a warm and welcoming space for worship that fosters a sense of belonging:

Mass Coordinators are adults who are responsible for the preparation of OLBS Liturgy by opening and securing the church before and after each service, and ensuring that the altar preparation is complete.

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are adults at least 16 years of age who assist the priest with the distribution of the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Christ at all Masses. Required training for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion is available through the Archdiocese.

Lectors are adults and young adults at least 13 years of age with a passion for public speaking who proclaim the Word; read General Intercessions at daily, Sunday and Holy Day Masses; and read Responsorial Psalms at daily Masses. Required training for proclaiming the Word is available through the Archdiocese.

Greeters & Ushers are adults at least 13 years of age who provide a warm welcome to parishioners and guests alike; assist with seating as needed; take up the collection (must be 18 or older to handle money) and direct the communion procession. Discover more.

Altar Servers are boys and girls of varying ages (must be in Grade 4 or up) who assist the priest with different parts of the celebration of the Eucharist at Sunday Masses and Holy Days. Required training for altar servers is available periodically. Trained altar servers, please follow this link to sign up for a time serve at Mass!

Music Ministers are children and adults who proclaim the Word of God by participating as a cantor, accompanist or in one of our choirs. Discover more.

Are you called? If you would like to assist with the celebration of Sunday and Holy Day liturgies, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Music Ministry. Sing for joy to the Lord.

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation.” —Psalm 95:1

Music facilitates a sense of prayerful participation amongst parishioners and is an important part of worship and praise to God. At Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, our Music Director, Paul Van Lysebettens, is joined by an array of talented pianists, organists, guitarists, vocalists and other musicians leading sung prayer for Sunday and Holy Day liturgies.

Under the direction of the Music Ministry, volunteer and paid cantors and accompanists lead music for Sunday and Holy Day or special liturgies. Paid musicians are selected by the Music Ministry and wages are paid in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Divine Worship.

Volunteer choir members unite around a shared love of music and faith to experience the thrill of text coming to life as they lead song for select Sunday and Holy Day liturgies under the direction of the Choir Director:

The Adult Choir, age 18+, sings at select Sunday and Holy Day Masses at both Queen of the Rosary and St. Julian Eymard. Please check the parish calendar for rehearsal dates and times.

The Charismatic Music Group sings and plays at one Mass at Queen of the Rosary or St. Julian Eymard per month and features drums, guitars and trumpets to create praise and worship music you may hear on the radio, plus many of our favorites from right here at OLBS. Please check the parish calendar for rehearsal dates and times.

The Kid’s Choir, children in grades 2 through 8, sings at select Sunday and Holy Day Masses at both Queen of the Rosary and St. Julian Eymard and rehearses on Wednesdays from 3-4pm at Queen of the Rosary. Please check the bulletin or parish calendar for specific dates and times. Students in Kid's Choir will also gain experience with Chimes, helping them learn music skills such as rhythm, note duration, harmony, melodic line and more. They will also learn listening, attention span, physical coordination and self-discipline and may go on to join our Handbell Choir when they reach High School.

The Handbell Choir, under Christina Ray’s direction, brings scripture alive with a wide range of powerful notes to create a unique musical experience for worship. Handbell Choir plays one 10:30am Mass per month plus select special liturgies at Queen of the Rosary and rehearsals are Wednesdays 7-9pm at Queen of the Rosary Church. Please check bulletin or parish calendar for specific dates and times.

Are you called? If you are ready to help us make a joyful noise, please contact Paul Van Lysebettens, Music Director, for more information today at  (847) 979-0901 x1006 or

Art & Environment. Enhancing liturgy through environment.

“By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” —Proverbs 24:4

Art & Environment ministers plan and implement an environment for inside our worship spaces, centered on the liturgical seasons of the Church. All elements should work together to enhance worship and be clean, appropriate, authentic, beautiful and accessible.

While the Art & Environment team is responsible for decoration throughout the liturgical year, extra volunteers are always needed during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week and Easter.

Are you called? If you would like to help enhance our worship spaces, please contact the Parish Office (847) 979-0901 or

Marriage & Family Ministry. Experience the beauty, goodness and truth about marriage, family life and our Catholic faith.

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 1 John 4:16

A wedding is but one day, and a marriage is a lifetime. Marriage & Family Ministry enables couples to use their experiences of marriage and family life, especially challenges they have overcome, to accompany other married couples in similar situations. Effective marriage ministry helps married couples discern their own unique gifts and talents and provides opportunities for couples (and divorced or widowed persons) to use their skills in service to the parish community. Marriage and Family ministers provide prayer, activities, training and tools that help couples build into their marriage.

Are you considering pursuing an annulment? Do you have questions about the process and requirements? The Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Chicago is pleased to present a free Annulment Info Night at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Elk Grove Village on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 7:00pm.

During this informative evening, experienced staff members from the Tribunal will provide an overview of the annulment process and answer any questions you may have. You will learn about the grounds for annulment, the steps involved in pursuing an annulment, and the support and resources available to you throughout the process.

The Annulment Info Night is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about annulments, including those who may be considering pursuing an annulment, as well as friends and family members who want to provide support.

The event will take place at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Julian Eymard in Shea Hall, and refreshments will be served. St. Julian Eymard Church is located at 601 Biesterfield Road in Elk Grove Village, across the street from the hospital.

Please note that this event is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or pastoral advice. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 7:00pm for an informative and supportive evening. So we know how many we will be, please follow this link to RSVP.

Questions? Please contact Mary Ellen Ottenstein at (847) 979-0901 x1007 or

For Catholics, February is the month devoted to The Holy Family, and it is an ideal time to strengthen our own family and its connection to Jesus’s family. As we strive to provide faith resources for families, here are 10 ways you can align your family to the Holy Family this February:

O Jesus,
our most loving Redeemer,
who having come to enlighten the world
with Thy teaching and example,
didst will to pass the greater part of Thy life
in humility and subjection to Mary and Joseph
in the poor home of Nazareth,
thus sanctifying the Family
that was to be an example for all Christian families,
graciously receive our family as it dedicates
and consecrates itself to Thee this day.
Do Thou protect us,
guard us and establish aongst us Thy holy fear,
true peace and concord in Christian love:
in order that by living according to the divine pattern
of Thy family we may be able,
all of us without exception,
to attain to eternal happiness.

dear Mother of Jesus and Mother of us,
by the kindly intercession
make this our humble offering acceptable in the sight of
and obtain for us His graces and blessings.

O Saint Joseph,
most holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary,
help us by thy prayers in all our spiritual and temporal
that so we may be enabled to praise our divine Savior
together with Mary and thee,
for all eternity.

(Recite the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be 3 times.)


Set aside time to pray the Rosary as a family:

  • Invite Fr. Dan, Fr. Louis or fellow parishioners over to pray the Rosary with your family.
  • Join the OLBS Rosary Group on Tuesdays at 7pm at SJE, or host the Rosary Group at your house.

You may pick up guides on how to pray the rosary, and even rosaries, at the parish office if you need them.

Set aside worldly and secular distractions and attend Sunday Mass together as a family. Remind everyone of the real presence of Christ at Mass, and use the Every Sacred Family 52-Week Guide to help start conversations about the Sunday readings. You can even keep the guide on your phone and use it to start conversation in the car on the way to Mass!

Place an image or icon of the Holy Family in a place of prominence in your home. Purchase a framed image or statue, take a family photo with the Holy Family statues in either of our worship sites, or search and print a favorite photo. If you would like Fr. Dan or Fr. Louis to bless an image or statue of the Holy Family, contact the parish office to arrange a time!

February can sometimes be gloomy. So, plan something fun you can all do together during the month! Maybe it’s a family outing to the aquarium, a sporting event or a movie. Perhaps it’s baking a special dessert together and enjoying the sweetness.

Celebrate the feast of the Family Patron Saint you selected at Christmastime, or you can base Family Feast Day on the patron saint of your wedding day and/or the day you moved into your new home. If you haven’t yet had your house blessed or consecrated, make plans to do so! After all, your home is the domestic church for your family, and a beating heart of sorrows and joys where you all dwell and grow. What better month could there be to bless it? Contact the parish office to request Fr. Dan or Fr. Louis come to your home for the house blessing, or to pray with you on your Family Feast Day!

Tell family anecdotes, share stories of faith and pass down the traditions. Pay special attention to family members who have passed. Make sure to talk about those who have lived their faith through difficulties in an exemplary manner! This gives roots and foundational meaning to our lives and identities as children of God. Invite Fr. Dan, Fr. Louis and fellow parishioners to hear these stories of faith, and share their own!

Write a short prayer to pray as a family following grace before meals. It can be as simple as “God bless the (Last name here) family!” If you need help, invite Fr. Dan or Fr. Louis over to pray with you.

It can be named after a saint or take its inspiration from a place in the Bible; it can have something to do with the name of the street you live on, an attribute you strive for, or your last name. But naming your home gives an epic quality to your life that creates a sense of bonding among family members that cannot be taken for granted. And again, what better month to bless your home than in the month of the Holy Family. Invite Fr. Dan or Fr. Louis to the house for the blessing!

Think of that classic television series, The Waltons, which closed each episode with that beautiful ritual!

As we end each day, let us recall these words of Pope St. John Paul II: “The family, more than any other human reality, is the place in which the person is loved for himself and in which he learns to live the sincere gift of self.” God bless your family.

What are you doing in your family to strengthen connections and be more like the Holy Family? If you have a great idea to pass along, we'd love to hear it! Please share it with us at today!

On behalf of all of us here at the Archdiocese of Chicago, congratulations on your engagement! We are blessed to accompany you on your journey to the sacrament of marriage. The Office of Lifelong Formation offers PreCana courses on Zoom for couples to learn about the sacrament of marriage and prepare their hearts leading up to their wedding day. For more information on how to get married in the Catholic Church, please visit or email

Download the 2023 Marriage Preparation Schedule.

Married Couples Retreats are a great opportunity for couples to break away from daily struggles and tasks and spend time rejuvenating and enriching their marriage. Spend time growing closer in your marriage through inspiring talks, private couple time, individual prayer time, Reconciliation, Eucharistic Adoration and the celebration of the Mass. Through God’s grace, each couple may walk away with a renewed strength and a deeper commitment to each other and to God.

Breaking Bread Together
An Ignatian, Semi-Silent Weekend Retreat for Couples. Jesus shares many meals in the Gospels. During this retreat we will reflect on why “breaking bread together” is important to Jesus’ ministry and for the mission given to married couples. Retreat Master is Fr. Christopher Manahan, SJ.

Location: Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House
420 W County Line Road, Barrington, Illinois 60010 | Phone: 847-381-1261

Date: April 21-23, 2023

Fee: $660 per couple

Follow this link to discover more.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter
We must die to self to give more in our marriage. Learn how to be the best spouse possible by participating in a virtual Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend.

Location: Various (including locations as near as Indiana)

Date: Various

Fee: $50-200 deposit plus free-will offering

Follow this link to find an Encounter.

Faith & Marriage
You and your spouse will spend time growing closer in your marriage through inspiring talks, private couple time, individual prayer time, Reconciliation, Eucharistic Adoration and the celebration of the Mass. Apostolate of the Willowoods Community.

Location: The Christian Retreat Center on the grounds of St. Joseph Abbey at 75376 River Rd, St Benedict, LA 70457 (approx. 13 ½ hour drive)

Date: Monthly options available

Fee: $325 per couple plus travel expenses (lodging included, each couple given its own newly renovated Married Couples Suite)

Follow this link to discover more.

Beyond Cana
Beyond Cana® offers the time and tools to enrich and strengthen marriages — with God and His direction for us at the center. This 2½ day retreat is designed to enrich the marriages of couples who want to focus on the communication, respect, love, and intimacy that are so integral to a good marriage. A blend of spiritual and practical talks, reflection, and prayer are combined with useful tools designed to improve communication and your relationship with your spouse — even if it’s good now. All this is done from a Catholic perspective, with an understanding of marriage as a sacrament.

Location: St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Richardson, TX

Date: February 17-19, 2023

Fee: $300 per couple plus travel expenses (includes 2-night stay at nearby Hilton Garden Inn)

Follow this link to discover more.

AFC Marriage Retreat
Do you long for deeper intimacy with your spouse? Are you united in your vision for your marriage and family? During this Apostolate for Family Consecration Catholic marriage retreat, refocus your marriage on Christ. Deepen your intimacy with your spouse through prayer, communication, and time spent together. Renew your understanding of God’s plan for your marriage and family.

Location: Catholic Familyland℠ 3375 County Road 36 Bloomingdale, Ohio 43910

Date: October 20-22, 2023

Fee: $399 per couple plus travel and additional expenses (Lodging: $109-$289; Shuttle to and from Pittsburgh International Airport: $20.) The cost of registration includes 3 meals/day plus snacks & beverages.

Follow this link to discover more.

Each year, the Archdiocese of Chicago hosts the annual Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass to commemorate couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. As the Holy Father says, marriage, “gives witness to the courage to believe in the beauty of the creative act of God and to live that love that drives one to always go beyond, beyond oneself and beyond one's own family." This is the blessing that these have bestowed on your community for the past 50 years.

Follow this link to discover more information on the upcoming Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass.

Follow this link to review Frequently Asked Questions.

St. Bakhita Youth Video Contest

US Catholic Sisters against human trafficking invite high school students across the US to answer the question “What would you do?

Deadline: March 31, 2023
Award: First Prize:$1000 • Second Prize: $750 • Third Prize: $500.
Follow this link for application, guidelines and to discover more!


Christ Is Alive! National Essay Contest

Students in Grades 3-8 and enrolled at Queen of the Rosary School or involved in a youth program at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament are invited to participate in a national essay contest.

Deadline: March 31, 2023
Award: $100 + any Bible from for the student plus $100 for the winning student’s teacher and $100 for a class celebration and $200 for the parish or school
Follow this link for application, guidelines and to discover more!


 Venerable Fr. Augustus Tolton Essay Contest

The Tolton Ambassadors-Chicago are accepting essays from students in Grades 5 through High School that answer the appropriate 2023 grade-level theme question.

Deadline: April 2, 2023
Award: New tablet
Download the flyer for application guidelines and to discover more!


ACCW Scholarship Opportunity

In keeping with its mission, the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women annually provides one $1,000 four-year renewable scholarship to a young woman graduating from high school and continuing her education in a college or university.

Deadline: April 30, 2023
Award: $1,000 four-year renewable scholarship
Follow this link for application, guidelines and to discover more!


Czarnik/Heffern Memorial Scholarship

Inspired by Frank  Czarnik and Jim Heffern’s lifetime focus on community, “The Czarnik/Heffern Memorial Scholarship” recognizes high school seniors who have also been active in their community and given their time to others.

Deadline: May 5, 2023
Award: Ten $1,000 scholarships awarded to High School seniors residing in Elk Grove Village.
Follow this link for application, guidelines and to discover more!

Are you called? Connect with us on Facebook to dive deeper into our Marriage & Family Ministry and stay updated on our latest events, activities and spiritual insights! If you would like to invite others to discover the beauty of marriage and our Catholic faith, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Prayer Shawl Ministry. Literally wrap someone in prayer.

“You created every part of me, knitting me in my Mother’s womb. For such handiwork, I praise you. Awesome this great wonder!” – Psalm 139:13-14

Just as Jesus wraps us in His love and peace, we can provide a shawl to someone who needs to be held and wrapped in prayer. The Shawl provides this person with a visible symbol of Christ’s presence and care, along with our prayers. Knitters and crocheters, even beginner level, derive joy from providing comfort, care and prayer to those in need in our OLBS faith family and beyond.

  • Undergoing medical procedures
  • During an illness and recovery
  • As a comfort after a loss
  • During bereavement, prayer or meditation
  • Ministering to others
  • Just socializing...the possibilities are endless!

To make the shawl personal, the giver or recipient may want to adorn the shawl with beads, shells, feathers or charms. A blessing or ritual may be offered when the gift is presented.


  • 3 skeins of knitting worsted yarn
  • Size 11 or 13 knitting needles


  • Cast on 57 stitches.
  • First Row – Knit (k) three, Purl (p) three, to the end of the row. Turn and knit the purl and purl the knit. Begin every row with knit.
  • Knit about 2 2/3 skeins and use the of the yarn for fringe (optional).
  • Bind off. Finished size is approximately 2’ x 5’.


  • 4-5 skeins of knitting worsted yarn (crochet uses more yarn per stitch than knitting)
  • Hook size N


  • 57 stitches or judge.
  • Row 1: (dc, ch2, sc) in fourth ch from hook * skip net 2 chs, (2dc, ch 2 sc) in the next ch Repeat from * across.
  • Row 2: ch2, turn. (dc, ch2, sc) in each ch 2 space across.
  • Repeat Row 2 until you have about 1/2 skein of yarn left. Do not finish off.
  • Last Row: ch2, turn, * sc in first ch 2sp, ch 2 Repeat from * across and end with a sc.
  • Finish off.

You do not need to attend ministry meetings to participate in Prayer Shawl Ministry, only to have a love of knitting or crocheting. Ministry meetings focus on faith, fellowship and exchange of ideas and are optional. Prayer Shawl makers start each session with prayer, and each stitch of the shawl represents that prayer for the recipient. For those who wish to participate, we have two opportunities to meet with other Prayer Shawl Ministers based on your schedule:

Saturday. On the third Saturday of the month in SJE Shea Hall from 9:30 to 11am.

Wednesday. On the fourth Wednesday of the month in SJE Shea Hall from 1:00 to 3:00pm.

Are you called? Connect with us on Facebook to dive deeper into our Prayer Shawl Ministry and stay updated on our latest events, activities and spiritual insights! If you have a love of knitting and/or crocheting and would like to help wrap people in prayer, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Little Flower Ministry. Believe in the infinite power of prayer.

“How can I fear a God who is nothing by mercy and love.” – St. Therese of Lisieux

Sometimes it’s hard to make sense of our sufferings as we grow older or as we deal with illness. But God assures us we are not alone. He is with us.

Something that can be very meaningful as we go through difficult circumstances is to offer up or unite our sufferings and sacrifices to Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. Then our suffering becomes purposeful.


Are you called? If you believe in the infinite power of prayer, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Bereavement Ministry. In our community of faith, nobody grieves alone.

“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” —Matthew 5:4

Losing a family member can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences a person will go through. Following a loss, the Bereavement Ministry seeks to bring a caring presence and living reminder of God’s love to the family.

  • Wake. Bereavement Ministers support the family and OLBS celebrant during the Vigil for the Deceased at a funeral home, and may even conduct the service.
  • Service. The Bereavement Ministry supports the family and performs all pre/post Sacristan duties for Funeral and Memorial Masses, and may act as Readers or Eucharistic Ministers.
  • Family Interview. Bereavement Ministers support the family by meeting to aid in planning services and learning about the deceased, and may connect families with additional supportive services from the parish or community

Training provided.

Are you called? To walk with those in mourning, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Care Ministry. Parishioners ministering to fellow parishioners in extraordinary circumstances.

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” —Matthew 7:12

To bring comfort, share God’s Word and the Holy Eucharist, Ministers of Care make faith visits to the sick, homebound, hospitalized and elderly in our OLBS community and may participate in one or more activity.

Homebound. One-on-one visits with parishioners in their homes on a regular or periodic basis.

AMITA Health. Make room visits and bring Holy Communion to parishioners at AMITA Health at 800 Biesterfield Road in Elk Grove Village. Based on current health and facility volunteer guidelines. Please note, this is only open to trained and approved AMITA Health volunteers.

AMITA Health Rehabilitation Hospital. Make room visits and bring Holy Communion to parishioners at AMITA Health Rehabilitation Hospital at 935 Beisner Road in Elk Grove Village. Based on current health and facility guidelines. Please note, this is only open to trained and approved AMITA Health volunteers.

Alexian Village. Communion Services and room visits to residents at 975 Martha Street in Elk Grove Village. Based on current health and facility volunteer guidelines.

Promedica (formerly Manor Care.) Communion Services and room visits to residents at 1920 Nerge Road in Elk Grove Village. Based on current health and facility volunteer guidelines.

Watch bulletin and eNews for Ministry of Care training and mandation opportunities. Must first be a trained Eucharistic Minister.

If you would like yourself or a loved added to our Ministry of Care schedule, please contact the parish office (847) 979-0901 or

Are you called? To bring prayer, presence and the Eucharist to the sick, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Journey of the Heart. Finding God in our grief.

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” – Phillippians 4:13

When we lose someone we love—a parent, sibling, spouse, friend or worse a child—the sorrow sometimes overwhelms us. Even the most faith-filled among us may struggle with loss. It’s important to remember that grief is not a curse, but a call to a deeper relationship with God.

Journey of the Heart is a compassionate grief-sharing group following the Seasons of Hope. Following a loss, Journey of the Heart seeks to let those grieving know that they are not alone. God has not abandoned them, and neither has their OLBS parish family. Founded in the traditions of Catholic Scripture and prayer, facilitators will use small-group discussion and faith sharing in a safe setting to help bring God’s comfort to the bereaved. We will not offer Counseling, but rather seek to surround the grieving with compassionate hearts to help lighten their grief journey.

Discover hope, healing, hospitality—and God through Journey of the Heart. These real stories from participants may resonate with your own journey:

Grief took me by surprise. Always the strong one, I was mistaken and thought that the tremendous sadness of living without my husband of forty-two years was something I would get through, and could do so on my own. I am forever grateful that I had been encouraged to be open to the support I found with Journey of the Heart. The first session Kleenex boxes got a great deal of attention. Some even found it too painful to share the stories of their loss. We started on the path together of learning to grieve in our own ways. We found comfort in the common thread to our broken hearts knowing that others understood in a way that our best friends and family, despite sincere efforts, could not. Our facilitators were not only there to listen, but to enlighten us. Having invested years offering support and guidance to many before us, they were able to inspire conversations, address resentment and confusion, even tackle hopelessness. They drew from our faith in God, armed us with the power of prayer and most importantly, they gave us hope!

Blessed to have taken part in all four seasons of Journey of the Heart, I have become what I am certain to be lifelong friends with some who shared my story. There remains a place in our hearts for the sadness of our losses, but thanks to this life altering opportunity, we will be there for each other, wherever God’s plans take us. —Colleen S.

If there is such a thing as a soulmate, he definitely was mine, the love of my life, my partner, my best friend. My spouse of 52 years and to lose him was (and is) devastating. I tried to make sense of it on my own, and my family and friends were lovely, but they couldn’t fathom the depths of my grief, as they weren’t walking the same journey. I needed to talk to people who were experiencing the same situation as I was. I looked around and even went to another group, but it was non-denominational, and I needed the comfort of my own religion.

I found out about Journey of the Heart one day at our monthly Prayer Shawl meeting. And I’m so glad I did. The facilitators who run the Journey of the Heart program allowed us to express our grief in our own way, and helped show us that through the love of Jesus Christ, we are not alone in our journey. I went through all four seasons of the program and have met so many lovely people who truly understood what I was going through—many of which I now treasure and consider my dear friends. I am so grateful to God and to all the people who run Journey of the Heart for helping me at such a trying time and for bringing all these wonderful dear friends into my life. Thank you for this wonderful ministry. —Judi E.

It was March 2021 and my darling wife was diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer.  All efforts to save her life failed and she passed away on December 10, 2021.  We were devastated. How could God let this happen?  Fr. Dan came to console me with spiritual support and hope, and shortly thereafter I was asked to join the grief-share group called “Journey of the Heart.”  I agreed to participated and we learned that when someone dies, you don’t get over it by forgetting, you get over it by remembering.  We talked about the loss of our loved ones and how the Word of God promises to resurrect them when Jesus returns to establish His kingdom.  I learned that my darling wife will live again; her “born again” spirit and soul will rise to live forever with Christ our King! A promise to all of us who choose to believe in the Word of God; to those of us who believe in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world! And so, I believe in one God, the Father Almighty; I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and our life in the world to come, amen. I have learned to believe!  —Ray P.

Journey of the Heart understands your pain and hopes to lighten your load, please contact the Parish Office today (847) 979-0901 or and a grief minister will contact you about an upcoming season of Journey of the Heart. Due to the sensitive nature of discussions, registration for Journey of the Heart is required and walk-ins cannot be accommodated.

Are you called? To help bring the love and comforting presence of God to the bereaved, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Good Samaritan Ministry. We are all stronger together.

“Whatever you do for the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.” – Matthew 25:40

Good Samaritans know that worth is not determined by a person’s station and strive to remind the poor in spirit of the enduring peace found in God’s love for us. Working closely with social-services agencies and other organizations, our OLBS Good Samaritan Ministry fosters volunteer opportunities to care for the spiritual, physical and emotional well-being of individuals and families in need in our parish community and beyond.

Watch the parish calendar, bulletin and eNews for opportunities throughout the year to participate in Catholic Charities Dinners and the PADS Suppers Program.

Are you called? Connect with us on Facebook to dive deeper into our Good Samaritan Ministry and stay updated on our latest events, activities and spiritual insights! If you’re ready to put God’s love into action by serving the poor, hungry and marginalized among us with mercy and compassion and without judgement, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Respect Life Ministry. Human life is a precious gift from God.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you.” – St. Jeremiah 1:5

Respect Life Ministry seeks to build a culture of life that respects the innate dignity and importance of all human life from conception until natural death. Respect Life ministers work tirelessly to change hearts and minds in our increasingly secular culture through prayer and worship, outreach, education and community involvement. Prayer is the foundation of all we do in defense of human life.

Respect Life ministers join the Rosary Group at St. Julian Eymard on the second Tuesday of each month to pray a special Rosary for Life. Respect Life meetings follow the Rosary for Life in Shea Hall.

From Mothers Day to Fathers Day, Respect Life celebrates a Season for Life to help raise awareness for agencies that work to protect life and help create a culture of life.

October is Respect Life Month. Each year, from Respect Life Sunday to the beginning of November, the Respect Life Ministry sponsors activities in the parish and community to help raise awareness and support for a culture of life and partner agencies who share this vision.

Respect Life ministers organize quarterly Holy Hours to help us pray for a culture that respects life from conception until natural death. In January we lift up the Unborn; in April, near Divine Mercy Sunday, we pray for Abortion, Suicide, Mercy and Forgiveness; in July we lift up Marriage & Family; and in November we lift up the Elderly and End of Life.

The First Friday Fast for Life is a monthly full day fast every first Friday to make reparation for and pray to end the culture of death which is driving abortion, euthanasia, suicide and more. At least one Respect Life ministry member, along with individual parishioner volunteers, may participate. All are invited to pray for those fasting each month.

Fasting is one of the three pillars of penance in the Christian life.  Fasting, prayer and almsgiving express our conversion, respectively towards oneself, God, and neighbor. (CCC 1434)

This self-denial and mortification, as expressed in fasting, is also efficacious for the conversion of others.  Sacrifice and prayer are the vicarious payment we make towards the redemption of another.  St. Paul captured this eloquently when he wrote, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body.” (Col. 1:24)

Intercessory prayer and fasting is exactly the message of Fatima as well. Our Lady of Fatima said, “Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners; for many souls go to hell, because there are none to sacrifice themselves and to pray for them.”  Mary revealed that our prayers and sacrifices are truly efficacious reparations, in which we can even positively affect someone’s eternal destiny.

We can accommodate fasting to our life situation. The important point is that we fast in some fashion, in union with the Church, particularly on Fridays in remembrance of Christ’s Passion, whether just giving up meat, or strictly on bread and water, or somewhere in between the two.

“Lord, Hanging as a vine upon the Wood,
O Christ our Savior,
You have made the ends of the earth
to drink from the wine of resolve.
Therefore do I cry aloud:
I am darkened always by the vicious drunkenness of sin;
Give me to drink from the sweet wine of true faith,
and grant me now the strength, O Savior,
to fast from sensual pleasures,
for You are good and love mankind. Amen.”

Today (June 24, 2022), the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturns the court’s tragic 1973 decision that removed legal protection for unborn children. We welcome this important ruling and the opportunity it creates for a national conversation on protecting human life in the womb and promoting human dignity at all stages of life. This moment should serve as a turning point in our dialogue about the place an unborn child holds in our nation, about our responsibility to listen to women and support them through pregnancies and after the birth of their children, and about the need to refocus our national priorities to support families, particularly those in need.

The Catholic Church brings to such a conversation the conviction that every human life is sacred, that every person is made in the image and likeness of God and therefore deserving of reverence and protection. That belief is the reason the Catholic Church is the country’s largest provider of social services, many aimed at eliminating the systemic poverty and health care insecurity that trap families in a cycle of hopelessness and limit authentic choice.

We also come to this dialogue as Americans, knowing that the principle that all human beings are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, and that first among these is the right to life.

Make no mistake, because this ruling regrettably will have little impact on abortion in Illinois, as there are virtually no restrictions here, we will continue to advocate strongly for legal protections for unborn children. And we will redouble our efforts to work with all to build a culture that values the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.

This ruling is not the end of a journey, but rather a fresh start. It underscores the need to understand those who disagree with us, and to inculcate an ethic of dialogue and cooperation. Let us begin by examining our national conscience, taking stock of those dark places in our society and in our hearts that turn to violence and deny the humanity of our brothers and sisters, and get to work building up the common good by choosing life.

During May, the month of Mary, and into June, Respect Life celebrates a Season for Life to promote a culture that honors and protects life from conception until natural death. During Season for Life, please support this initiative by purchasing Mothers Day and Fathers Day Cards or Mothers Day Flowers, leave donations (personal checks accepted, please make checks out to the agency you would like to support) in the baby bottles or drop off items from the Wish Lists to our collection bins. Let’s celebrate life, God’s precious gift to us, by supporting these agencies:

Catholic Charities. We are the face of hope! Did you know that every 30 seconds someone comes to Catholic Charities in need of help? Established in 1917, Catholic Charities Chicago is one of the largest non-profit, social services agencies in the Midwest. They operate 153 programs from 150 locations across Cook and Lake Counties to help those most in need without regard to race, religion or background.

OLBS Good Samaritans. Once a month, parishioners from OLBS Good Samaritan Ministry bring and serve dinner for Catholic Charities guests in Des Plaines. Before March of 2020, the average attendance was between 50 and 60 guests. Over the course of the pandemic that attendance has continued to trend up. Thanks to your generous donations to the Poor Box, OLBS is currently helping to feed 150 guests per month. Discover more (scroll down to Good Samaritan Ministry).

TLC Pregnancy Services. Our support saves. TLC is a multi-service facility reaching out to the community with the love of Christ, bringing light to the darkness. They provide free medical, material, emotional & spiritual support to local women facing unplanned pregnancy situations. Financial and in-kind gifts have helped TLC not only keep its doors open during this challenging time, but expand to 3 locations and a mobile unit. They are reaching more women than ever.

Celebrate Life. A young woman and her two-year old son came into TLC's Schaumburg location. The little boy was very polite and you could tell he was very well cared for. His mom had just moved back to Illinois from another state and was living with a friend. Upon returning, she got together with her old boyfriend and became pregnant. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do. Not only was she now unexpectedly pregnant, but she had also learned her boyfriend got married after they got back together and then, a few weeks later, had been shot and killed. Read this young lady's complete story.

Illinois Right to Life. More than 10,000 lives saved, and they're just getting started! A non-profit using a grass-roots approach to creating a culture of life in Illinois through education, research, legislation and support to men and women in unplanned or crisis pregnancy situations. Project Love is a grant program of Illinois Right to Life, founded in 1996 by the late Mary Bliss to support women through unplanned or crisis pregnancies. Many grant recipients are facing eviction, large medical bills, or are about to have their heat or water shut off. Project Love extends a helping hand to those families in need.

Meet Tanya. Tanya worked as a caregiver for an elderly patient, but when she was seven months pregnant, she could no longer continue to work. Just before her baby was due, Tanya fell behind on paying her rent and was left with no money to buy food. With an empty fridge and bills piling up, Tanya called Illinois Right to Life for help. See how Project Love helped Tanya.

The Women's Center. Supporting the Women's Center can help provide answers...and hope as it has done for more than 63,000 clients over the past 30 years. Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be extremely stressful. Women may experience feelings of panic. Maybe they don’t have anyone to confide in or don’t know where to go for help. The Women’s Center is here for them and cares about the physical and emotional health of each one of its clients. Free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds and free supportive counseling.

Hannah B. says the person she spoke with was very good at listening. Read Hannah's and other's testimonials.

Project Rachel. After more than four decades of legalized abortion, many children’s lives have been ended, and many parents and family members suffer that loss—often in silence. Yet God’s greatest desire is to forgive. No matter how far we have strayed from His side, He says to us, “Don’t be afraid. Draw close to my heart.”

Meet Karen. She is 23 years old and finished college last year and landed the job of her dreams in graphic arts. The work is creative and challenging. Karen is pretty and has many friends so she is frequently included in the party circuit at work. She should be happy and excited. After all, her life is beginning just as she carefully planned it. But instead, she feels dead and dull inside. She keeps up with her job, but it doesn’t bring the joy she thought it would. She feels distant from its satisfactions. She doesn’t feel as creative as she once was, and doesn’t understand the dull distant sorrowing she feels despite her accomplishments. Karen had an abortion in college. Read Karen's full story.

Aid for Women. In the Chicago metropolitan area, one out of four pregnancies ends in abortion. Aid for Women helps thousands of women each year in the Chicago metropolitan area who find themselves facing unexpected pregnancy. Each woman is provided with the emotional, practical and spiritual support that she needs to choose life for her unborn baby and to provide a better future for her and her child. Their life-affirming services are offered free-of-charge.

Meet Janessa. She was 19 years old when she learned she was pregnant. She didn't have a support system to help her through this. Aid for Women moved Janessa into Heather's House where she found her support system in the other young mothers going through the same thing. She is currently enrolled in college, preparing a better life for herself and her baby. See Janessa's complete story.

OLBS Domestic Violence Awareness. Did you know that approximately 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will experience rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner? Domestic Violence Awareness Ministers help to bring attention to this important issue. Discover more (scroll down to Domestic Violence Awareness Ministry).

During the month of October, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament participates in many activities in support of a culture that respects life from conception until natural death. Download the flyer or see below to discover more:

40 Days for Life is the world's largest grass-roots movement to end abortion. Knowing that with God, all things are possible, people of faith unite in 40 days of prayer, fasting, constant vigil and community outreach. We aim to be a peaceful and educational presence. The next campaign runs from September 28, 2022 to November 6, 2022. Follow this link to lead a vigil, join a vigil or discover more. Download the flyer.

Fill A Bottle, Save A Life! October is Respect Life Month. During this month we remember that all life is sacred, pray for the Unborn, their beautiful Moms and for an end to abortion.  Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament will be participating in a Baby Bottle Campaign to support TLC Pregnancy Services and The Women's Center of Greater Chicagoland during the month of October.
Take a bottle, fill it with change and return it to church between September 24, 2022 and October 30, 2022. Your donation will help provide free services for moms and babies in need, including: pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, diapers, formula, food, and baby equipment. Download the flyer.

By participating in Spiritual Adoption, you offer your spiritual support and ask for God's protection, through the intercession of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, of all unborn children in danger of being killed through abortion. Download the flyer to discover more.

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament will once again join others of faith to march in the Northwest Families for Life STAND for Life in Palatine, Illinois on Saturday, October 8, 2022 between 1pm and 3pm. Follow this link for the complete itinerary and to discover more.

Aid for Women helps thousands of women each year in the Chicago metropolitan area who find themselves facing unexpected pregnancies. Each woman is provided with the emotional, practical and spiritual support that she needs to choose life for her unborn baby and to provide a better future for herself and her child.

Bishop Jeffrey Grob will give the Invocation at this year's Annual Benefit on September 28, 2022 at the Union League Club. Reception at 5:30pm and dinner at 6:30pm. Follow this link to discover more.

Each year, Life Chains form in cities nationwide to make a public, prayerful, peaceful stand for Life. Since 1987, believers have gathered nationwide on the first Sunday of every October to prayerfully stand for Life. Follow this link to lead or join a Lifechain on Respect Life Sunday, October 2, 2022.

All are invited to join a special forty-hour period of continuous prayer in support of a culture that supports life from conception until natural death. The devotion will begin at 7pm on Wednesday, October 12, 2022* and the church will remain open for Prayer and Adoration until 11am on Friday, October 14, 2022 when we will conclude with Benediction. Please see sign-up sheets in our church vestibules or follow this link to sign up online. If you need help signing up, please contact the parish office at (847) 979-0901.

*The Holy Hour including Reconciliation will be moved from QR to SJE on Wednesday, October 12th.

Why 40 Hours?

40 Hours Devotion comes from the 40 hours that Christ’s body traditionally rested in the tomb. 40 is also a significant number in the Bible, often tied to trials, tribulations and/or suffering: the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years, and Christ was tempted in the desert for 40 days prior to the start of his ministry. Follow this link to learn more about the 40-Hour Devotion.

In honor of Respect Life Month, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Respect Life Ministry dedicates the October Holy Hour to honor life and pray for aging and respectful end of life for all. This Holy Hour will be celebrated on Wednesday, October 12, 2022* at 7pm at St. Julian Eymard and will begin our 40-Hour Devotion.

*Our regular Holy Hour with Reconciliation will move from QR to SJE on Wednesday, October 12th.

“Look at my Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least, try to console me and announce that I promise to assist at the hour of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall: go to confession, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.” –Words of Our Lady of Fatima

Join Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Respect Life Ministry and others to pray a Rosary for Life on the First Saturday of October.

Are you called? Connect with us on Facebook to dive deeper into our Respect Life Ministry and stay updated on our latest events, activities and spiritual insights! If you feel called to be a voice for life, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Domestic Violence Awareness Ministry. STOP the violence!

“Every violation of the personal dignity of the human being cries out in vengeance to God and is an offence against the creator of the individual.” —Pope John Paul II, On the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World, 1988, no. 176.

Domestic Violence Awareness Ministers seek to bring attention and awareness in our parish and in our community to the important issue of domestic violence through prayer, education and outreach.

In an emergency, dial 9-1-1 or call the National Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline at 800-799-7233.

If you are in danger, call 911.

National Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799-7233 or text “START” to 88788

Center for Prevention of Abuse

The American Association of Christian Counselors
(800) 526-8673

Meier Clinics, Christian Counseling
(888) 725-4642

New Life Ministries, Counseling, Coaching and other resources
(800) NEW-LIFE

Hope Joy Peace Counseling
Sandra Henderson & Marshelle Hood, Licensed Counselors
(815) 714-8620

Cloud-Townsend Online, Counseling Podcast

Hurt by Love (Cindy Burrell, verbal and emotional abuse survivor)

Jan Silvius, Life Coach

Liz Curtis Higgs, Life Coach

Are you called? If you would like to help stop the violence, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Armed Forces Ministry. Home of the free because of the brave.

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” —Ephesians 6:11

Please pray for the brave men and women serving our country in the armed forces, and please keep their courageous families here at home in your thoughts and prayers as well.

Please pray for loved ones and those from our parish family currently serving in the military:

Daniel Amack

Brandon Auerswald

Elizabeth Ann Barlow

Francis Boecker

Tim Byland

Jack Campe

Nicole Cedeborg

Aaron Coker

Casey Connors

Melissa Cortese, Ens US Navy

Sara Cvikote

Adam Dyas

Tom Decker

Tom Delk

Jon Diblee

Christopher Dietz

Robert Dones

Dan Droske

Daryl Egan

Dan Farell

Michael Foss

Jeremy Franco

James Godman

Randy Groller

Robert Harwig

Christopher Heckel

Patrick Kauffold

James Patrick Keith

Kory Laga

Michael LaPlant

Rory Leahy

Sean Leahy

Sean Majer

John Michael Mancuso

Anthony Mangiaracina

Eric Jonathan Miller

James O’Reilly

Thomas O’Reilly

Charles Peterson

Lindsy Pfenninger

David Phillip

James M. Rabey

Phil Rosen

Kyle Schnoor

James Schreiner

Anne Schreiner

Robert Schreiner

Nicholas Shallcross

Gina Stramaglio

Joseph Troxell

Katie Troxell

Maggie Troxell

Jonathan Van Dyk

Jonathan Van Lysebettens

Kately Walsh

William Walsh

Andrew Weldon

Abram Whitebird

William D. Benning

Christopher “CJ” Boyd

Phillip Frank

Lawrence Kalck

Are you called? If you would like a family member or loved one included in our Armed Forces listing, please contact the parish office (847) 979-0901 or

Love Thy Neighbor. Do unto others as you would have done to you.

The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. —Mark 12:31

Love Thy neighbor is a group of creative parishioners who seek to be a source of communion and support for other parishioners, especially those who may still find their personal and/or church lives disrupted by the pandemic. Love Thy Neighbor has three primary objectives: Check In; Pledge Support and Further Connection.

Are you called? If you are ready to love your neighbor, please contact the parish office (847) 979-0901 or

Parish Volunteer Communication Ministry. If you use words, you communicate!

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” – Matthew 28:19

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament (OLBS) has exciting volunteer opportunities for those who enjoy working in communications, to use your skills to help promote and advance our parish mission. As a Catholic parish, OLBS shares God’s love by celebrating the sacraments, proclaiming the Gospel and serving the needs of all His children. Working as part of a small team, we are looking for creative and self-motivated people who will enjoy helping support the work of OLBS’ clergy and parish leadership.

Duration: 6 months

Hours: 4-8 hours per month to get the best out of the experience.

Location: Queen of the Rosary/St. Julian Eymard and/or Remote

Days: Flexible

Report to: OLBS Communications Director

Benefit to volunteers: Grow in relationship to Jesus Christ, fellowship, professional growth, training opportunities, possible internships, service hours, letters of reference and limited access to equipment.

  • Assist in creating branded content for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, OLBS’ Website and other social media platforms.
  • Help to develop Canva templates to help us create a strong, cohesive brand identity.
  • Help to develop strong relationships with OLBS’ current communities and networks through delivery of regular reviews, blog and social posts or videos.
  • Assist with writing newsletters, articles and other promotional materials.
  • Assist in organizing internal and external activities; ensuring fundraising, development, event and exhibition materials are prepared and available.
  • Submit completed drafts and be open to feedback.

  • An ability to put people first.
  • A basic understanding of Catholicism and openness to growing in faith.
  • Good attention to detail and accuracy.
  • Be creative, friendly and happy to work as part of a small team.
  • Have a positive and flexible ‘can-do’ attitude.

  • Know that you are investing your time and talent to share the healing presence of Christ with those most in need of the Gospel message.
  • Have opportunities to get involved at OLBS, meet other creatives and make new friends.
  • Help make disciples, build community and inspire witness to reach fallen away Catholics and those interested in becoming Catholic.
  • Use and grow personal and professional skills in design, marketing and communications to strengthen your resume (this opportunity qualifies for service hours for teens and could meet requirements for unpaid internships.)
  • Draw on the wealth of knowledge of clergy, staff and parishioners to help share OLBS’ parish mission, vision and values.

See below for suggested roles for Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Volunteer Communication Ministry:

The volunteer Event Photographer will help OLBS capture digital images of important moments during events for use in website, bulletin, marketing materials, newsletters and other communications.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Be present at major events, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, to capture high quality photographs
  • Capture a variety of subjects, including parishioners and other event participants (speakers, VIPs, award winners, clergy, staff and volunteers, etc.)
  • Take photographs to catalogue event process (e.g. venue, décor, room setup, etc.)
  • Select, process and deliver high quality digital photographs to the relevant contact for use within a short period of time (1-2 days)

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Strong photography skills; preferably, ability to produce photographs that possess a storytelling arc
  • Proficiency with image editing software (eg. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, PicMonkey)
  • Ability to transport and operate camera and gear
  • Ability to perform responsibilities in a friendly, professional and timely manner
  • Own, and be comfortable with operating a high-quality camera preferred
  • Prior experience with event photography an asset (please provide portfolio or photography samples)

The volunteer Video Producer and Editor will compile and edit video footage into compelling videos that illustrate the mission, vision and values of OLBS.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Produce and edit videos that highlight the ministry work of OLBS
  • Develop shot list for use by volunteer videographer
  • Working with available video footage, select and edit appropriate clips, including addition of graphics, sounds, etc., as appropriate and deliver high-quality video clips within agreed timeframe
  • Develop new concepts for future video production
  • Collaborate with videographers, parish leadership and other staff/volunteers as needed

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Proficiency with the Adobe Creative Suite (e.g. InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere etc.) and video editing software (e.g., Final Cut Pro, iMovie)
  • Strong pre- and post- video production skills
  • Ability to create videos that have a strong story-telling arc
  • Ability to produce a video from conception to completion
  • Able to work autonomously, and as part of a team
  • Excellent listening and communication skills
  • Strong time management and organization skills
  • Relevant field and video producer experience

The volunteer Videographer will capture OLBS’ programs, liturgies and events on video. For special projects, the videographer will also capture footage of the stories of individuals that OLBS serves (parishioner, expert and spokesperson interviews, etc.)

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Attend events, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, to film OLBS in action
  • Capture on video the moments during events that adhere to pre-established shot lists
  • Upload captured videos onto a server or deliver via thumb drive for use/dissemination

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Strong visual design sense with attention to detail
  • Proficiency with video filming
  • Able to work autonomously, and as part of a team
  • Able to film and edit videos under a tight deadline
  • Must be able to organize own transportation to various events
  • Video-capturing experience for events an asset (please provide samples)
  • Own a professional video-camera, or a DSLR with video-capturing capabilities preferred

The volunteer Social Media Ambassador will help to spread OLBS’ mission, vision and values by supporting and growing our online communities. The Ambassador will initiate, share, and participate in discussions happening within social media, and actively help grow OLBS’ community on social media.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Share updates, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, from OLBS’ social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and initiate and participate in discussions among community members
  • Deliver and spread the mission, vision and values of OLBS, especially for liturgies, missions, retreats, projects and events

Required skills and qualifications:

  • A calm, highly personable and social character who enjoys communicating with various interest groups and building rapport
  • Highly proactive and flexible in work
  • Good organization and time management skills; able to juggle multiple social media platforms at the same time
  • Good understanding of social media trends, and able to stay on top of current trends
  • Able to work autonomously, and as part of a team
  • Strong written and verbal skills
  • Demonstrated ability and activity on various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram etc.) an asset
  • An active profile on various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)

The volunteer Blogger will write regular blog posts on topics relevant to OLBS’ audiences (parish families, school families, religious education families, community partners, etc.) and reflective of our mission, vision, values and communication goals.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Write engaging blog entries, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, in your own voice on a variety of topics at consistent, periodic intervals (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)
  • Brainstorm and research new topics for future blog entries to support ongoing development of the blog editorial calendar/plan
  • Track blog analytics to determine topics of interest to the community for future posts
  • Deliver all drafts/content in agreed-upon timeframe

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Ability to write original content consistently
  • Strong research skills (Bible, Internet, interviewing, etc.), to create informative blog entries
  • Proficient in MS Word and blogging platforms (WordPress, Tumblr, Blogspot etc.)
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Degree in Journalism or Media Studies and related programs, or equivalent experience a plus
  • Prior blogging experience an asset (please provide links to sample blog posts)

As the volunteer Email Marking Advisor, you will bring your expertise in email marketing to the table and help OLBS review its email communications. You will provide advice on the email format, content, style and frequency, and help OLBS design, implement and analyze email marketing campaigns when needed.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Provide advice on the components of email marketing campaigns—review the plan, set up, test, execute
  • Analyze email marketing campaign performances, and provide recommendations to improve for the next campaign
  • Assist in the day-to-day management of email marketing: manage contact lists, email design, email scheduling, review analytics
  • Research emerging email marketing strategies and share insights/make recommendations accordingly

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Strong project management skills; able to communicate with relevant clergy, staff, parishioners and other volunteers, create and meet targets within a deadline
  • Ability to manage multiple email campaigns simultaneously
  • Proficient with marketing email programs (eg. Constant Contact, MailChimp, FlockNotes or other tools)
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Proficient in MS Excel, HTML; working knowledge in JavaScript an asset
  • BA degree in Marketing, Communications, Digital Marketing or related field strongly preferred
  • Prior experience in email marketing (strategy, implementation, analytics) preferred

The volunteer Graphic Designer will create graphics and materials for internal and external communications—bulletin, social media, presentations, posters, reports etc.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Design graphics for use/sharing via bulletin, social media (memes, social media skins, inspirational quotes or messages) and website, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director
  • Design posters, presentations and reports
  • Translate organizational messages/content into compelling designs
  • Proactively brainstorm and create new designs that enhance OLBS’ message and goals
  • Deliver all creative assets and collateral in agreed-upon timeframe

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Strong graphic design skills required
  • Ability to develop creative design that is aligned with and elevates existing brand standards and guidelines
  • Proficient in website and graphic design software, eg. Adobe Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat) and free online tools (PicMonkey, Canva, Quozio, etc.)
  • Able to work autonomously, and as part of a team
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Able to work under tight deadlines when needed
  • Degree in graphic design and illustration, or equivalent experience, a plus
  • Prior experience in graphic design preferred (please provide portfolio or samples)

The volunteer Proofreader will review written materials (blog posts, newsletters and email campaign content, copy for bulletins, marketing materials, presentations, reports and other documents) for content quality, accuracy and style, in a timely manner.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Proofread documents, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, checking for accuracy and consistency (e.g., abbreviations)
  • Identify and correct spelling and grammar errors in documents using track changes
  • Ensure that the style of the document is consistent (e.g., citation/figures/table formatting)
  • Return edited content within agreed-upon timeframe

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Strong command of the English language and grammar; ability to translate Spanish and Polish language a plus
  • Excellent reading and analytical skills to comprehend and critique content
  • Autonomous worker, with strong time management skills to ensure accuracy and thoroughness of documents in a timely manner
  • Good MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint skills
  • Able to communicate effectively with parish leadership, volunteers and others
  • Able to work under tight submission deadlines
  • Prior experience in proofreading strongly preferred
  • Bilingualism (English/Spanish/Polish) a plus

The volunteer Media Relations Liaison will use his or her experience and expertise to provide insights for use in OLBS’ content/communications, and act as a media representative for OLBS on a range of issues and events.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Produce media releases or other, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, understanding individual requirements of various media outlets, to promote OLBS’ liturgies, programs and events
  • Serve as a resource for local media, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director and Pastor (eg. Chicago Catholic, Viariate 1 Website, Daily Herald, Journal & Topics, Channel 6 and more)
  • Serve as an in-house expert/spokesperson for OLBS working with clergy, other lay leaders, parishioners and community partners to provide quotes, testimonials, personal stories, expertise and occasionally, being available for in-depth interviews.
  • Speak on behalf of OLBS, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director and Pastor, at various meetings and functions (in coordination/consultation with Pastor and parish leadership)

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong problem-solving ability, and adaptability (“think on one’s feet”)
  • Able to travel occasionally (short distances), if required
  • Promotional and/or public relations experience an asset
  • Prior media training an asset

As a Development, Stewardship & Fundraising Volunteer you will assist in establishing revenue goals while creating fundraising initiatives to promote OLBS’ growth. As a fundraising team member, you will also aid in grant research and the development and implementation of outreach methods.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Working with clergy, staff, Finance Council and other stakeholders suggest and lead donor campaigns, fundraising events or special appeals, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director or Pastor
  • Assist with donor communications—email, direct mail, social media, phone calls, in-person meetings, and presentations in cooperation with the parish leadership.
  • Work with parish leadership, staff and other key stakeholders to prepare and develop grant proposals.
  • Bring innovative ideas and solutions to help improve and streamline processes for fundraising
  • Ability to complete tasks in agreed-upon timeframe

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Sincere interest and/or related experience with fundraising activities
  • Degree in business administration, nonprofit management, public administration, or other related fields a plus
  • Ability to effectively work both independently and collaboratively
  • Highly organized and detail-oriented
  • Strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to communicate and follow up with funders
  • Knowledge of basic fundraising techniques and strategies a plus

The Volunteer Canva Designer/Template Developer will assist in developing OLBS-branded templates in Canva that can be easily shared with staff, lay leaders and community partners to create worship aids, flyers, posters, brochures and more that are visually appealing and aligned with OLBS brand standards and guidelines.

Responsibilities and duties:

  • Recreate existing OLBS marketing, design and communications templates in Canva, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, allowing ability to edit content, photos and colors while locking important branding elements such as OLBS logo
  • Suggest new uses for Canva and work with parish leadership to develop new branded templates in Canva, allowing ability to edit content, photos and colors while locking important branding elements such as OLBS logo
  • Work with clergy, staff, ministry and other lay leaders, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, to develop relevant branded templates in Canva, allowing ability to edit content, photos and colors while locking important branding elements such as OLBS logo
  • Ability to submit drafts and turn-around edits in agreed-upon timeframe

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Strong graphic design skills required
  • Ability to develop creative design that is aligned with and elevates existing brand standards and guidelines
  • Proficient in Canva and other graphic design software, eg. Adobe Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat) and free online tools such as PicMonkey, etc.
  • Able to work autonomously, and as part of a team
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Able to work under tight deadlines when needed
  • Degree in graphic design and illustration, or equivalent experience, a plus
  • Prior experience in graphic design preferred (please provide portfolio or samples)

The Marketing Administrative Support volunteer will support the management of administrative duties within the Marketing Team in OLBS.


Responsibilities and duties:

  • Organize and maintain digital and printed marketing resources and materials (e.g., brochures, data, presentations, files, photos, videos), as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, for easy retrieval when needed
  • Assist in large marketing projects and events, as assigned/agreed to with Communications Director, by researching, sourcing and coordinating resources required to implement the project
  • For events, prepare meeting materials and work with parish staff on room reservations and setup
  • Work with parish staff to organize volunteers for event setup (set out signage and printed materials, hospitality, etc.)
  • Work with parish staff to keep vestibule displays, particularly Welcome Table materials, stocked and up to date

Required skills and qualifications:

  • Thorough knowledge of general administrative duties and procedures
  • Strong organizational and time management skills
  • Good prioritizing and project planning skills
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • An independent and adaptable worker
  • Detail-oriented, thorough approach to work
  • Proficiency with MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Explorer
  • Comfortable traveling to both worship sites
  • Able to lift packages of approximately 20 lbs.

As mandated by the Archdiocese of Chicago, all volunteers must complete a Volunteer Service Application and be current with all Protecting God's Children requirements. Follow this link to If you do not have an account, click the First Time Registrant button to create your account and complete all requirements. If you already have an account set up, login and check your dashboard to insure:
  • Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is listed as your primary location
  • Your Criminal Background Check is current
  • All of your documents including Code of Conduct and CANTS are current
  • You are up to date on all Training Bulletins and Training Modules
Volunteer Communication Ministers will also need to complete the following:

If you have any questions or need assistance with Virtus or any of the forms, please contact the parish office at (847) 979-0901 or

Are you called? If you would like to discover more, or join the team, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Hospitality Ministry. “All Are Invited” is more than just a catch-phrase.

“Above all love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” —Peter 4:8-9

While Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament strives to make “radical hospitality” part of our DNA, Hospitality Ministry promotes an atmosphere of faith and fellowship that seeks to share the love of Christ, acceptance and support in a particular way with all who cross our doors.

Are you called? If you love to meet new people and share witness to our faith, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

OLBSLive! When you can’t be here in person, you can still join us live.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” — Psalm 37:30

OLBSlive! is Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament’s audio-visual and technology ministry. The importance of technology could not be overstated during and as we hopefully emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even when we were asked to stay home, we were able to participate in Mass through television and live-stream, meet with fellow parishioners using Zoom, Teams, Google Meet or other technology and keep abreast of news and happenings at OLBS with the website, e-mail, social media and more.

While digital and online participation will never replace in-person participation, we recognize that some are still unable to join or may not be comfortable joining us in person at this time. We’re looking for teen and adult volunteers who are comfortable with or want to learn about technology, video, social media and more to help us continue moving into the digital age.

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Are you called? If you’re a budding director or you just can’t put the camera or camcorder down at family events, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Book Club. Awesome people read books!

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” —Philippians 2:4

Books may educate us, transport us, entertain us, make us laugh or even make us cry. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Book Club encourages fellowship and builds community. Join other readers each month for spirited conversation about faith-based books from a variety of genres…biographies, fiction, non-fiction and apologetics to name just a few.

  • We meet on the first Monday of the month, with breaks over the Summer and during Christmas
  • We promise not to cover more than 200 pages per month, so if a book is lengthy we’ll split it up over multiple meetings
  • Members are responsible for purchasing, and of course reading, their own copy of each book reviewed
  • Even if you haven’t read the book, you are still welcome to join the meeting, but be prepared for spoilers
  • Some time at the end of each meeting is set aside for fellowship and fun

Are you called? Get ready to hit the books, new members are always welcome! Please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Grounds & Garden Club. Caring for God's creation.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefor pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” —Matthew 9:37-38

Our grounds are the first impression that those in our OLBS family, visitors and the community at large have of our facilities. The grounds must present a warm and welcoming environment for worship and education. The Grounds & Garden Club helps us care for all of God’s creation by planning and carrying out gardening, planting and upkeep projects at both of our worship sites.

As the saying goes, “many hands make light work” and we are ever grateful when the Lord sends laborers into his harvest. However, if you see something around our campuses that looks like it could use a little attention, please contact our parish office before beginning any work. While plants or trees may look dead, they may only be dormant and while outdoor furniture may look in need of repair, that may be a project already underway.

Are you called? If you have a green thumb, love to dig in the dirt or arrange flowers, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Women’s Club. Connecting women of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament through shared faith, service and social interaction.

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears her down.” —Proverbs 14:1

The Women’s Club (CCW) acts through its members to support, empower, and educate women in our OLBS family and in the community in spirituality, leadership, and service. The Women’s Club plans and organizes various social activities, service projects and fundraisers to help support the parish and bring the women of the parish and community together.

Are you called? Join our Women’s Club. New members are always welcome! Contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Men’s Group. Connecting men of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament through faith and a shared spirit of volunteerism.

“As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” —Proverbs 27:17

The Men’s Group acts through its members to support, empower, and educate men in our OLBS family and in the community in spirituality, leadership, and service. The Men’s Group plans and organizes various social activities, service projects and fundraisers to help support the parish and bring the men of the parish and community together.

Are you called? Join our Men’s Club. New members are always welcome! Contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Young Adult Ministry. Continuing faith formation in a social environment.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” —Deuteronomy 31:6

OLBS proudly supports the Young Adult Ministry of the Archdiocese of Chicago by promoting events for the YAM NW, Theology on Tap and Young Catholic Professionals and even hosting events whenever possible.

Are you called? If you would you like to introduce a Young Adult Ministry (20s and 30s) at OLBS, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or We’re ready to support you!

Youth Ministry. The children are our future.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” —Timothy 4:12

Welcome to AfterMass Youth Ministry
Here, you’re not just a face in the crowd—you’re family! Dive into a world where faith comes alive, friendships are forged, teens make an impact—and Jesus Christ is at the center of it all! Whether you’re looking to grow spiritually, make a difference in the community or just find a place to belong, we’ve got something for you. Join us for worship, lifelong learning and tons of fun as we journey together in faith, friendship and service. And hey, don’t keep all the good stuff to yourself—invite your friends to come along for the ride! The more, the merrier!

Download 2024-25 Upcoming Events

Faith is like a compass that always points you in the right direction, no matter how wild the adventure!

Totus Tuus, meaning "totally yours," is an unforgettable week-long summer youth retreat that runs Sunday through Thursday evenings. Led by dynamic missionaries, this program is packed with new friends, fun games and meaningful experiences. Highlights include an evening of Adoration with our Lord, engaging conversations about living out your faith in high school and college, shaving cream wiffle ball and a Thursday night social to wrap it all up! Teens participating in the evening program can also volunteer during the day program, which serves students entering 1st to 6th grades. Totus Tuus is usually scheduled for late June or early July. Registration is required, check the bulletin and eNews for registration links. Dive in for a week of faith, fun, and friendship!

Kairos, meaning "God's Time," is a special retreat designed for high school Juniors and Seniors. It's your chance to step away from the daily grind and focus on who you are, who you want to be, where you believe your life is headed and most importantly, where your relationship with God fits into that picture.  Throughout the retreat, you’ll experience many interesting and exciting activities and even a few fun surprises. Led by teens and guided by adults, this retreat offers a unique and powerful experience that will transform your spiritual journey and change how you think about your life in ways you never thought possible. Retreats are usually scheduled in January over Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend so teens don't have to miss any school. Prior registration required, please contact Mr. Van to register.

Experience a life-changing week at Catholic Heart Work Camp! Our Summer mission trips are all about meaningful service projects, spiritual growth and building lifelong friendships. Through hands-on work and heartfelt connection, you'll make a real impact on the world around you while deepening your relationship with God. It's an incredible opportunity to live out your faith, serve others and return home with unforgettable memories and a stronger sense of purpose. Join us and discover how you can make a difference! Teens heading to Catholic Heart Work Camp must pay a $100 deposit to reserve their spot, and commit to helping at the Fundraisers leading up to the trip. Teens travel 6-8 away for Catholic Heart Work Camp, and mission trips are usually scheduled for mid-June to early-July while students are on Summer break. Recently teens have visited Steubenville, Ohio, Marshalltown, Iowa and Louisville, Kentucky and have plans to visit Newcastle, Pennsylvania for an upcoming trip. Follow this link to reserve your spot for the next trip!

Join us on a powerful Lenten journey as we walk the Way of the Cross with our Lord. Every Friday during Lent, a different ministry leads the Stations of the Cross, each bringing a unique perspective to this sacred tradition. On Good Friday evening at 7 PM, our Youth Ministry takes the lead with a visceral and moving Living Stations of the Cross. This profound experience brings the Passion of Christ to life in a way that touches hearts and deepens faith. Come and be part of this special reflection during the Paschal Triduum. Rehearsals are at St. Julian Eymard Church on Sundays at 3pm and generally begin right after Ash Wednesday.

Friendship is the ultimate team-up, making every adventure cooler and every challenge easier to tackle together!

Welcome to the ultimate teen hangout! Whether you're into ping-pong, video games, pool, foosball, or just chilling with a good movie, our Teen Center has it all. Need a quiet spot to catch up on homework? We've got you covered. Designed with teens in mind, this space is all yours. Join us for Youth Ministry meetings on the third Sunday of every month and Small Group Discussions every other Wednesday.  Plus, feel free to drop in anytime between 2 and 5 PM, Tuesday through Friday, to unwind and make new friends. Your space, your vibe—come make it your own!

Looking to dive deeper into your faith and connect with others? Our Teen Small Group Discussion meets every other Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 PM. These discussions are teen-led and adult-guided, giving you the chance to explore your faith, share your thoughts and grow together in a supportive environment. Whether in the Teen Center or offsite, Teen Small Group Discussion is a relaxed, welcoming space where you can be yourself, ask questions and find answers with friends who are on the same journey. Come join us and discover the power of community and shared faith! Please contact Mr. Van for upcoming dates and locations or to suggest discussion topics.

Our monthly Youth Ministry Meetings, generally on the third Sunday of the month, are all about blending faith formation with fellowship and fun! While we delve into spiritual growth, we also make sure to enjoy ourselves. All of our gatherings offer snacks and some of our gatherings feature exciting activities like playing Wii and other games, roasting marshmallows at our fire pit or ice cream socials. And you don’t want to miss our famed December gathering with a lively white elephant gift exchange—the only time “stealing” (of gifts during the exchange only) is legal! Join us for a great mix of faith, friendship and fantastic fun!

Join us for a range of exciting fellowship opportunities beyond our regular activities like Teen Center Hours, Youth Ministry Meetings and Small Group Discussions. Teens are invited to participate in or even help out at parish and school celebrations, including:

  • Parish Picnics
  • Corpus Christi Procession and Fellowship
  • Summer with Purpose Outreach Activities
  • Family Fall Fest

Plus, Youth Ministry hosts its own fun events, such as Game Night, Movie Night and concerts featuring guests like PJ Anderson. Stay tuned to Mr. Van’s Newsletter and parish communication channels for all the latest updates. Got an event idea? We’d love to hear it—suggest away!

Service is the superpower that turns everyday actions into extraordinary impacts!
Plus, service hours are available for these activities—just check in with Mr. Van or the activity coordinator to get credit.

Bring joy and companionship to our senior residents by joining us for visits to nearby Victory Centre (formerly known as Alexian Village)! As a teen, you'll help lead games, crafts and other fun activities that brighten their day and make a real difference. These visits generally take place on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, but be sure to check the weekly bulletin or parish calendar for exact dates. It's a rewarding way to connect with the community and spread some cheer!

Join us as we make a global impact! Twice a year, usually during Advent or Lent, our teens visit Feed My Starving Children in Schaumburg to pack meals that bring not just food, but hope, to underprivileged children in remote or underserved areas around the world. It’s a powerful way to serve others and make a difference, all while working together as a team. Come be part of these meaningful mission trips and help us share love and support with those who need it most! Please contact Mr. Van for upcoming dates or check the weekly bulletin or parish calendar.

We put the FUN in fundraising! All teens are invited to join in the excitement as we gear up for Catholic Heart Work Camp. In addition to a $100 deposit, teens heading to the camp must participate in our fundraising events, which include Pasta Dinners, Pancake Breakfasts, a Fall Rake 'n Run and a Spring/Summer Car Wash. These activities are not only a blast but also essential for making the trip happen. Your involvement helps support the mission and ensures a memorable experience for everyone! Please contact Mr. Van for upcoming dates or check the weekly bulletin or parish calendar.

Get ready to spread some holiday cheer at our Kids Christmas Film Night! Teens will help lead kids aged 4 and up in festive fun, including cookie decorating, Christmas games and watching favorite holiday movies. We’ll also have a cool selfie station/photo booth for capturing these joyful moments. It’s the perfect way to give parents a well-deserved night off while we all get into the Christmas spirit. Come join the fun and help make this a magical evening for everyone! Kids Christmas Film Night is typically scheduled in early December. Please contact Mr. Van for this year's date or check the weekly bulletin or parish calendar.

Get ready to spread some holiday cheer with Christmas Angels and Christmas Elves! Teens from Youth Ministry team up with St. Nick and other parish ministries to bring joy to underprivileged families.

Christmas Elves: While everyone else is recovering from Thanksgiving or hitting the mall for sales, we’re delivering toys and stocking stuffers to Mission Our Lady of Angels on Black Friday.

Christmas Angels: Join the Women's Club to help load the "sleigh" with gifts for “adopted" families from our Angel Trees. It's a heartwarming way to give back and make the season brighter for those in need! The sleigh typically pulls up in mid-December. Watch Mr. Van's e-mails and parish communications for signups.

Teens are warmly invited to join our Good Samaritan Ministry in providing hearty, home-cooked meals for people in our parish and the greater community. Whether you're interested in shopping for ingredients, cooking up a storm or serving in the kitchen or dining room, there are plenty of ways to get involved and make a positive impact. Your participation helps bring comfort and nourishment to those in need, strengthening our community one meal at a time. Come be a part of this meaningful ministry! Follow the weekly bulletin or parish calendar for links to signups throughout the year.

Are you called? For teens, stop by any of our events and bring a friend, or two, drop-ins always welcome! Follow the parish calendar, eNews or bulletin for upcoming dates or please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

To learn more about becoming an adult volunteer, please contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or

Adult Faith Formation. As we grow and mature, so too should our faith.

“An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” —Proverbs 18:15

Participating in a faith community helps form confidence as well as friendships in an environment where one can learn and practice Catholic identity. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament provides opportunities to cultivate a more mature and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ by enriching the community’s understanding of our Catholic faith. Come grow in faith, knowledge, hope, love and understanding.

Lively conversation about the sacred scriptures following a book or video series. Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month in Shea Hall at SJE between September and May.

For those who enjoy concentrated study in the Word. Meets weekly on Wednesday mornings from 9-11am in Shea Hall at SJE between March and mid-December.

Unlock the treasures of the Bible to deepen our understanding of the beliefs, celebrations and customs of our Catholic faith. Follows video with workbook Bible Study programs available through parish membership to FORMED. Combination of virtual and in-person in Shea Hall at SJE at various times throughout the year.

Work with clergy and community to develop special events throughout the year such as Speakers, Exhibits, Devotions or Pilgrimages to help Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament grow in faith and in relationship to Jesus Christ. Examples include Advent Retreat, Lenten Mission, Shroud of Turin Exhibit, Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit, Liturgical Ministry Morning of Reflection, Divine Mercy Sunday.

Are you called? Join an Adult Faith Formation group, or stop in at any of the regular meetings­—drop-ins always welcome. Contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or