Morning Prayer—Liturgy of the Hours

“As morning breaks, I look to you Lord...” -Psalm 63

NEW Options for Morning Prayer

One significant way that Christians have prayed each day, whether alone or with a community, is through the Liturgy of the Hours. This ancient practice, with origins in the Old Testament, continues to be a daily prayer discipline for religious communities today. Join fellow parishioners for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday. You can join any day and as many days as you wish!

Listen and pray along with any of the options below:

1. Download the free iBreviary app here to your smartphone device.

2. Visit the iBreviary website and follow along from your computer or tablet (iPad or other).

3. Simply dial in and listen to pray along: 1-605-562-8401 then enter the code: 990 3251#

Please be logged in or dialed into our virtual vestibule by 7:40am so we may begin on time. Prayer begins at 7:45am, concludes by 8:00am and includes a recited hymn, psalms, a reading, prayers, and intercessions. Note, we will no longer post PDF download of the prayers on our websites.

Questions? Please contact the parish office (847) 979-0901 or