Personal Prayer and Reflection. Churches may remain open following daily Mass for limited hours to allow parishioners time for personal prayer and reflection inside the church. Greeters/Ushers welcome parishioners to the church, ask health screening questions, sanitize hands and show parishioners to assigned seats. As guests leave, greeters and ushers assist with sanitizing the church.
Sacraments. Greeters/Ushers for Baptism, Wedding, Funeral and Reconciliation welcome guests to the church and verify attendance against provided guest lists, ask health screening questions, sanitize guests hands upon entry (and prior to receiving the Eucharist as required), show guests to assigned seats and help direct parishioner movement.
Sunday Liturgy. We reopened for public celebration of Mass at both churches in July 2020. Greeters/Ushers welcome parishioners to the church and verify attendance against provided signup lists, ask health screening questions, sanitize guests hands upon entry and prior to receiving the Eucharist, show guests to assigned seats and help direct parishioner movement.
Other Events. With attendance at in-person gatherings outside of liturgy still limited to 10, we are not hosting in-person events at this time.