Moderate temperatures, more daylight, gentle breezes, birds singing…it all means Spring has sprung. And generally in Spring we turn our attention outdoors and start more yard projects. We’re the same here at OLBS!
We’ve been blessed over the years that many of the plants, trees, flowers, landscaping rocks and even mulch have been generously donated to us. And we’re doubly blessed to have a Grounds & Garden Club to help us maintain the landscaping around our churches.
If you see something around our campuses that look like it needs attention (plants that may look dead but really may only be dormant, benches or fences in need of repair, etc.) please contact the parish office. Church grounds belong to the entire parish, so please don’t assume responsibility for a garden or landscape project before you check with us.
If you would like to join our Grounds & Garden Club, please contact the parish office today! As they say, may hands make light work, and we are ever grateful when the Lord sends laborers into his harvest.