Meet with Fr. Dan

Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE)

Sunday: 8am/10:30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Adult Education

The Adult Education Ministry invites speakers and organizes events on topics of importance to parishioners in regard to our faith.

“I know God has a plan. I pray for direction to follow it, patience to wait on it and knowledge to know when it comes.”

Time & Talent

Prayerful men and women who are willing to invest time and talent exploring and organizing opportunities for our parish to grown in our Catholic faith and deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Events & Activities

Are you called? Join our Adult Education Ministry. Contact the Parish Office for more information today (847) 979-0901 or