Meet with Fr. Dan

Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE)

Sunday: 8am/10:30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Memento Mori

Join us for an interactive speaker series to talk about end of life issues from our Catholic faith perspective. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” —John 3:16

Session 1: Aging & Illness

October 29, 2022 | 10am – Noon | SJE Shea Hall
Presenters include a Home Health Nurse, Hospice Chaplain and Minister of Care.

Session 2: Rite of Christian Burial

November 5, 2022 | 10am – Noon | SJE Shea Hall
Presenters include a Funeral Director, Bereavement Minister and Catholic Cemeteries.

Session 3: Legal, Financial & Medical Directives

November 12, 2022 | 10am – Noon | SJE Shea Hall
Presenters include a Financial Planner and Estate Attorney.

Each Session includes Speaker Presentations and time for Question & Answer. All are invited, but this series is geared toward those facing end of life issues for themselves or a loved one and caregivers. Coffee and light refreshment will be served.

Questions? Please contact the parish office at (847) 979-0901 or