Meet with Fr. Dan

Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE)

Sunday: 8am/10:30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

May-June Celebrations

As we approach the conclusion of our pastoral year of Be Transformed, we invite you to join us in commemorating this special time with a series of celebrations throughout the months of May and June. These festivities serve as a tribute to the blessings we’ve received, the milestones we’ve achieved and the cherished memories we’ve created together as Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish.

May marks the beginning of our festivities, where we celebrate our parish feast day and rejoice in the spirit of Pentecost. It’s a time of reflection, gratitude and renewed faith as we come together in prayer and fellowship.

As we transition into June, we eagerly anticipate the celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, kicking off with the Corpus Christi procession and culminating in the Eucharistic Revival Pilgrimage. These events allow us to deepen our devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and reaffirm our commitment to Christ’s presence in our lives.

This year holds added significance as we commemorate our pastor’s 10th anniversary of ordination, a milestone that reminds us of his steadfast dedication and leadership within our community. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our associate pastor and principal as they prepare for new chapters in their faith journeys.

Join us as we honor these milestones, celebrate our unity as a parish family and look forward to the blessings that lie ahead. Your presence and participation enrich the fabric of our community, and we cannot wait to share these special moments with you.

Download an overview flyer, see schedule below and check the bulletin, eNewsletter and vestibules for event-specific information as we get closer!

May 2, 7:00pm, EGV Public Library: Interfaith Council Prayer Luncheon; Mental Health Matters, Respect Life Ministry co-sponsors this community event to share resources and personal witness and raise awareness; Summer Supper

May 4, 2:30pm, SJE Shea Hall: Bingo Fiesta hosted by the Women’s Club

May 5, All Masses: May Crowning led by the Rosary Ministry and Religious Education; Rosary & Novena Prayer to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament begins, led by Rosary Ministry

May 11, 7pm, QR School Gym: Trivia Night organized by the Parents Club

May 13, 8:15am, SJE: Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Mass

May 17: Fr. Dan’s 10th Anniversary of Ordination

May 19, 11:30am, QR School Gym: Pentecost Sunday, Community Celebration

May 26: 8th Grade Graduation

June 2, 10:30am, QR: Feast of Corpus Christi Procession immediately following Mass (We will process behind Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, singing and praying along the way. After Benediction and Reposition at SJE, we will gather in Shea Hall for fellowship.)

June 23-30, 2024, Eucharistic Pilgrimage through the Archdiocese of Chicago: This pilgrimage will be a time of spiritual enrichment, community building and service as we come together to deepen our devotion to the Eucharist and our commitment to living out its transformative message.

  • June 26, 4-7pm, USML, Mundelein: Youth-focused Mass, Adoration and Procession.
    June 27, Noon – 9pm, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Pilgrimage to Shrine, stay tuned for more details.
  • June 28, 6:30-10pm, St. Alphonsus: Young Adult event with Mass, witness talks, Adoration and Procession.
  • June 29, across Archdiocese: Day of Service; join OLBS for daily Mass at 8:15am at Queen of the Rosary Church, pray the Rosary, spend time in Adoration and then head to our QR School Gym for fellowship and a service project (enter through Door 7)!
  • June 29, Vicariate Masses: Vicariate IV at St. Rosalie in Harwood Heights from 4-6pm.
  • June 30, Mass and Procession with Cardinal Cupich at Holy Name Cathedral; Fr. Louis’ last day in the parish as Associate Pastor, Ms. McGinn’s last day as QR School Principal.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Ellen Ottenstein at (847) 979-0901 x1007 or