Meet with Fr. Dan

Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE)

Sunday: 8am/10:30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Lent & Easter Schedule 2022


Ash Wednesday, Wednesday, March 2nd
6:30am Word Service with distribution of Ashes at QR
8:15am Mass of the Day with distribution of Ashes at SJE*
12:15pm Word Service with distribution of Ashes at SJE
7:00pm Evening Mass with distribution of Ashes at QR*

Stations of the Cross
Prayed weekly on Fridays at 6:00pm alternating worship sites between Queen of the Rosary and St. Julian Eymard. Please check the bulletin and website for location each week.

Parish Lenten Mission
Monday, March14th – Wednesday, March 16th
7:00pm at SJE*

Palm Sunday, Sunday, April 10th
5:00pm Saturday (April 9th) Anticipated Liturgy with distribution of Palms at SJE*
8:00am with distribution of Palms at QR
9:15am with distribution of Palms at SJE
10:30am with distribution of Palms at QR*

Holy Week
Monday, April 11th to Wednesday, April 13th
Daily Mass will be celebrated as usual on Holy Monday (SJE)*, Holy Tuesday (QR) and Holy Wednesday (SJE)* at 8:15am. On Holy Thursday (QR), Good Friday (SJE) and Holy Saturday (QR) we will have in-person morning prayer at 8:15am.

Seven Last Words of Christ, Tuesday, April 12th
7:00pm at SJE*

Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper, April 14th
7:00pm at SJE**

Friday of the Lord’s Passion, April 15th
3:00pm Good Friday Service at QR**
7:00pm Living Stations at SJE*

Saturday, April 16th
Blessing of Food Baskets, 10:30am SJE*
Easter Vigil Mass, 7:30pm at QR**

Easter Sunday, Sunday, April 17th
9:00am SJE*
10:30am QR**

*Liturgies will be live-streamed by OLBS in our usual manner.
**Liturgies will be professionally live-streamed.