Meet with Fr. Dan

Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE)

Sunday: 8am/10:30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Feast Day

Plans are underway to celebrate Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament with a week plus of faith, fellowship and fun activities leading up to the Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, May 13th. We hope you will be able to join us for one or more of these events. Our theme this year is “United under the Mantle of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament.”

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 6:30pm (Queen of the Rosary).  First Day: The Title of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden behind the parish center.)

At-Home Consecration Day 1: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

Acts of Mercy. Please continue to support our Respect Life and Domestic Violence Awareness Ministries with your donations of maternity and baby items or small electronic devices. Please see collection bins in both church vestibules.

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 6:30pm (St. Julian).  Second Day: Mary and the Holy Mass. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden on the East side.)

At-Home Consecration Day 2: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

Marian Gardens Refresh: Check the signup or contact the parish office for more information.

First Friday Eucharistic Adoration: 8:45am - 11:45am (St. Julian). Adoration begins immediately following morning Mass and continues until the Closing Benediction.

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 6:30pm (Queen of the Rosary).  Third Day: Mary and Holy Communion. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden behind the parish center.)

At-Home Consecration Day 3: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

First Saturday Devotions: begin 8:15am (Queen of the Rosary):

  • 8:15am Daily Mass
  • 8:50am Rosary
  • 9:15am Quiet Prayer and Reflection
  • 9:30am Breakfast

May Crowning for Religious Education: 10:00am (Queen of the Rosary).

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 4:30pm (St. Julian).  Fourth Day: Mary and the Real Presence. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden on the East side.)

May Crowning for Parish: 5:00pm Mass (St. Julian).

At-Home Consecration Day 4: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

May Crowning for Parish: 8:00am Mass (Queen of the Rosary) and 9:15am Mass (St. Julian Eymard).

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 10:00am (Queen of the Rosary).  Fifth Day: Mary, the Model of Adorers. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden behind the parish center.)

May Crowning for Parish: 10:30am Mass (Queen of the Rosary).

At-Home Consecration Day 5: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

Acts of Mercy. Youth Ministry visits Alexian Village (6:30 pm)

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 6:30pm (St. Julian).  Sixth Day: Mary, the Model of Thanksgiving. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden on the East side.)

Marian Speaker: 7:00pm (St. Julian). Fr. Jim Presta, Pastor of St. Emily in Mount Prospect will give a presentation on the Blessed Virgin Mary.

At-Home Consecration Day 6: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 6:30pm (St. Julian).  Seventh Day: Mary, the Model of Reparation. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden on the East side.)

Marian Gardens Refresh: Check the signup or contact the parish office for more information.

At-Home Consecration Day 7: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

May Crowning for parish school: 8:15am (QR School).

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 6:30pm (Queen of the Rosary).  Eighth Day: Mary, the Model of Prayer. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden behind the parish center.)

Holy Hour: 7:00pm (Queen of the Rosary). Reconciliation and Adoration of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

At-Home Consecration Day 8: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

Rosary and Novena Prayer: 6:30pm (Queen of the Rosary).  Ninth Day: Mary, the Dispensatrix of Eucharistic Graces. (Weather permitting, we will pray in the Marian Garden behind the parish center.)

At-Home Consecration Day 9: Find guide in church vestibules or download from eNews.

Consecration Mass: 6:00pm (St. Julian). A special consecration Mass to honor the Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament will be celebrated by Bishop Rassas.

All are invited to join us for Fellowship in Shea Hall immediately following Mass (approximately 7:00pm).

Pilgrimage to Holy Hill Basilica and National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Hubertus, Wisconsin. Bus departs St. Julian parking lot at 7am and returns to St. Julian at approximately 6/6:30pm. The excursion will include private Mass for our group, visits to the Basilica, Shrine Chapel and Outdoor Way of the Cross, lunch in the Holy Hill Cafe, a stop in the gift shop and more.

Space is limited, sign up today!

Please watch the bulletin and eNews for more information on all of our events. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office (847) 979-0901 or